Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Dr. Harshpreet Kaur, Dr. Shilpi Sahu, Dr. Reeta Dhar, Dr. Priyanka

Abstract :

Mucor is a saprophytic organism which invades the nose and paranasal sinuses of immuno compromised and diabetic patient. Mucormycosis is rare fungal infection caused by mucor species, rhizop us and anr idia species. Among the conditions predisposing to Mucormycosis are diabetes mellit us, malnutrition, hema to logical malignancies, neutropenia, burns, surgical procedures, long term steroid therapy and immunosuppressive therapy. A 50 years old male came with a history of discharge and pain in right ear since 15 days. Microscopically diagnosis of mucormycosis with choleasteatoma was given.

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DR.HARSHPREET KAUR, DR.SHILPI SAHU, DR.REETA DHAR, DR.PRIYANKA Mucormycosis with Choleasteatoma case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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