Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Computing and ICT As a Change Agent For Education

Dr. M. Rajeswari, Dr. A R. Saravanakumar

Abstract :

The world moving rapidly into the digital media and information. The role of computing and ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century. Education is the driving force of economic and social development in any country. Considering this, it is necessary to find ways to make education of good quality, accessible and affordable to all, using the computing and ICT in education develops higher order skills. Through computing and ICT provides enormous opportunity for all the teachers and benefit for every Indian learner. It is obvious that emphasis on computing and ICT are the crying need as it act as an agent for education without compromising the quality. It is also necessary to sustain a high growth rate of our economy through the capacity building and knowledge empowerment of the learners and for promoting new upcoming multidisciplinary fields of knowledge. Education is very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The paper argues the role of computing and ICT in transforming teaching and learning and seeks to explore how this will impact on the way programs will be offered and delivered in the educational institutions of the future.

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Dr. M. Rajeswari, Dr. A R. Saravanakumar Computing and ICT As a Change Agent For Education International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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