Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

The Essence of Employees Training and its Impact on the Work Force in an Industry

Dr. Mohan Singhe

Abstract :

Training is an important component of HRD it not only enhances the skills of employee but also improves their efficiency. An organization can accomplish its objectives by organizing needy training to its employee. Here is an attempt made to asses the essence of employee training and its impact on their work force. The present study is based on primary data collected by social work trainee with the help of an interview schedule from 100 respondents in an organization as part of their study curriculum. It was found that majority of respondents were technically and educationally low qualified but had rich experience in their job. It was also revealed that, the low qualified employees who had less experience in their previous job have expressed their need in training. The study found significant relationships between training and job performance, training and out put, and training and behavioral changes.

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Dr. Mohan Singhe The Essence of Employees Training and its Impact on the Work Force in an Industry International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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