Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017


Dr Vinay H G, Dr A K Pujahari

Abstract :

 Peritonitis secondary to hollow viscus perforation is a common surgical emergency. While enteric perforation is the common etiology, primary tubercular perforation is rarely seen.A young male patient presented acute abdomen and diagnostic laparoscopy was the confirmatory procedure for diagnosis.Diagnostic laparoscopy followed by laparotomy and exteriorization of the bowel with loop ileostomy was done. Histopathology of the margins of the perforated ileum and mesenteric lymph node revealed tuberculosis. The patient was started on anti–tubercular therapy and is being followed up with good results.This case emphasizes the atypical presentation of abdominal tuberculosis and the importance of diagnostic laparoscopy in doubtful diagnosis as well as the importance of biopsy specimens taken from the margins of ileal perforation for the confirmation of the diagnosis.

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Dr Vinay H G, Dr A K Pujahari, ATYPICAL PRESENTATION OF ABDOMINAL TUBERCULOSIS: A CASE REPORT, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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