Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Evaluation of Anti–Tubercular Activity of a Herbal Extract (Lawsonia.inermis) and its Comparison with Ethambutol

Rajeeta Joseph, Shah. K. U, Patki. P, Ghongane B. B

Abstract :

Background: Tuberculosis holds one of the top places on the list of the main cause of death in India. At times the patients fail to respond to treatment with anti tubercular drugs, drug resistance being one of the reasons. The increasing incidence of MDR- and XDR-TB worldwide highlight the urgent need to search for newer anti-tubercular drugs. Objectives: The present study was carried out to evaluate the antitubercular activity of a herbal extract(Lawsonia inermis), and if any, to compare it with ethambutol by resistance ratio method. Materials and Methods: Acid-fast bacilli were cultured and identified from sputum samples of patients of pulmonary tuberculosis, who had not received any antitubercular drug earlier. Resistance ratio method was followed. For each isolate, (originally from the sputum samples) two sets of L-J slants containing ethambutol, in serially doubling concentration ranging from 1mcg/ml to 16 mcg/ml and L-J slants containing L.inermis leaves aqueous extract (2%) in serial doubling concentration ranging from 3 mcg/ml to 192 mcg/ml were prepared. One set was inoculated with test strain and the other with standard H37Rv strain. Each set had an extract free L-J slant (control). All the L-J slants were labeled with appropriate drug concentrations and incubated at 37° C for 8 weeks for growth. Result: The MIC for ethambutol for both test as well as standard H37Rv strain was 4 mcg/ml by Resistance ratio method. There were more than 100 colonies on all L-J slants containing L.inermis aqueous leaves extract. Conclusion: Thus the aqueous extract of L.inermis leaves used, did not show any antitubercular activity in the concentrations of 3 to 192 mcg/ml in the Lowenstein - Jenson media in the present laboratory set up. It is possible that L.inermis may have some other activities; if not primarily as directly antituberculous; which may be beneficial in the treatment of tuberculosis.

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Rajeeta Joseph,Shah. K. U,Patki. P,Ghongane B. B Evaluation of Anti-Tubercular Activity of a Herbal Extract (Lawsonia.inermis) and its Comparison with Ethambutol International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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