Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Emotional Intelligence for Children with Special Needs

Dr. Subodh Kumar

Abstract :

This paper highlights on emotional intelligence of children with special needs. The author lay out the concept of emotional intelligence and its effects among children with special needs. Children with sensory impairment, cognitive impairment and physical impairment are emotionally unstable at some point or other. Educational plan of all kinds of children with special needs - heå impairment, visual impairment physical impairment, autism, pervasive developmental disorder, language and speech problems, Down syndrome, cereal palsy, and attention deficit disorder— should offer an understanding nature of these challenges and also specific ways of helping children to extend their intellectual and emotional potential. Emotional intelligence can be nurtured, developed and augmented. It is not a trait that we either we have or don’t have. Successful schools include emotional intelligence in their curriculum. It is possible to influence learner’s Emotional intelligence skills. Children can be taught to become more emotionally intelligent, which enables them to be more successful in life. Children with special needs too can develop emotional intelligence to be emotionally aware, insightful regarding understanding other’s emotions, more able to cope with emotional dilemmas in life, to be empathetic towards peers and to develop effective inter and intra personal skills.

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Dr. Subodh Kumar Emotional Intelligence for Children with Special Needs International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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