Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus; A Cause of Nosocomial Blood Stream Infection

Dr. Sadhvi Parashar

Abstract :

Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CoNS) infrequently recognized as pathogen causing nosocomial blood stream infection .An attempt was made to find out incidence of CoNS positive Bacteremia with their antibiogram from all collected blood culture samples in our laboratory from the patients in those it was indicated. Out of 3326 received blood culture samples; 593(17.7%) was positive cultures. Out of all positive culture,85/593(14.33%)were obtained as CoNS positive bacteremia cases. The CoNS positive nosocomial blood stream infection is commonly found in neonates than other age group. The S.epidermidis was most commonly isolated species ,and strains shows multidrug resistance, with maximum resistance 89.1% to Penicillin G, No resistance was seen to Vancomycin. Increase recognition of pathogenic potential of CoNS and emergence of drug resistance among them denotes the need to understand their antibiogram at their species level to plan empirical therapy.

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Dr.Sadhvi Parashar Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus; A Cause of Nosocomial Blood Stream Infection International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014

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