Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

A Comperision of Pb for CDMA–SDMA method for Smart Arial System

Dhaval R. Sukhadia, Sumitra D. Shah

Abstract :

 This comparison of average Bit Error Rate (BER) of SDMA and CDMA technique and the different ways in which SDMA can be introduced to boost the capacity of a cellular arrangement. The probability of error is found for a standard omni directional base station antenna, and another set of curves is found for flat top beam having a directivity of 5.1dB. It is assumed that k separate flat top beams can be formed by base station and pointed each of the k users within the cell of interest. The use of an adaptive antenna array at the base station thus allows introducing the SDMA technique, whose main benefit is the capability to boost arrangement capacity, i.e. the number of users it can handle

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Dhaval R.Sukhadia, Sumitra D.Shah A Comperision of Pb for CDMA-SDMA Method for Smart Arial System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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