Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Chromobacterium violaceum causing Fournier’s Gangrene: A rare presentation with non–fatal outcome

Dr. Jyotismita Rajbongshi, Dr. Annie Bakorlin Khyriem, Dr. Vikramjeet Singh, Dr. Madhur Anand, Dr. Stephen Lalfakzuala Sailo, Dr. Wihiwot Valarie Lyngdoh

Abstract :

Infections with Chromobacterium violaceum are rare; however, they are frequently fatal. Fewer than 200 cases have been reported worldwide and a majority of them have been reported in children. Patients often have a rapidly deteriorating clinical course if not treated appropriately and quite often, relapses ensue. Commonly found as a saprophyte in soil and water, it is often regarded as a contaminant. Knowledge of this pathogen amongst the physicians coupled with appropriate and timely treatment with regular follow up is required. Chromobacterium violaceum inhabits the tropical and subtropical regions; however changing climates attributed to global warming may further increase the number of infections. We report a case of an eleven year old boy presenting with Fournier’s gangrene caused due to Chromobacterium violaceum. Prompt treatment and appropriate management with follow up was done.

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Dr. JYOTISMITA RAJBONGSHI, Dr. ANNIE BAKORLIN KHYRIEM, Dr.VIKRAMJEET SINGH, Dr. MADHUR ANAND, Dr. STEPHEN LALFAKZUALA SAILO, Dr. WIHIWOT VALARIE LYNGDOH Chromobacterium Violaceum Causing Fournier¥s Gangrene: a Rare Presentation with Non-Fatal Outcome International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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