Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Study of Lipid Peroxidion & Antioxidant Status in Septicemia

Dr. Sagar N. Salunkhe, Dr. Rajani R. Melinkeri, Dr. Snehalata S. Salunkhe, Dr. Jyoti C. Mane, Dr. Madhav G Kalekar

Abstract :

Septicemia is a serious, rapidly progressive life threatening infection which may lead to increased free radical formation & hence lipid peroxidation which reduces antioxidant status of patients leading to oxidative stress. This study involves 30 voluntary controls, 30 patients of septicemia & 30 patients of septicemia with shock of age group 15-75 years. All three groups underwent investigative measurement of serum vitamin E &Vitamin C. Lipid peroxodation formation measured by MDA & antioxidant status was measured by estimating serum Vitamin E & Vitamin C. Results reveal significant rise in MDA levels in Septicemia( p<0.001) & Septicemia with Shock ( p<0.001) as compared to Control. Serum Vitamin E & Vitamin C levels in both the groups are significantly decreased ( p<0.001) as compared to Control. Since Vitamin E & Vitamin C have Antioxidant property can be used as supportive help in treating the cases of Septicemia.

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Dr.Sagar N. Salunkhe, Dr. Rajani R. Melinkeri, Dr.Snehalata S. Salunkhe, Dr.Jyoti C. Mane, Dr.Madhav G Kalekar Study of Lipid Peroxidion & Antioxidant Status in Septicemia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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