Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

A Study of Future Trend for Sustainable Development by Incorporation of SCM’s

Hiren A. Rathod, Jayeshkumar Pitroda

Abstract :

The key area of interest of present era is about the preservation of environment and sustainable development in each and every sector of engineering. This paper comprises of detailed study of major supplementary cementitious materials commonly used and new emerging materials as a replacement of natural resources used for construction activity in Indian context. In its most basic form, concrete is a mixture of portland cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water. The principal cementitious material in concrete is portland cement. Today, most concrete mixtures contain supplementary cementitious materials that make up a portion of the cementitious component in concrete. These materials are generally byproducts from other processes or natural materials. They may or may not be further processed for use in concrete. Some of these materials are called pozzolans, which by themselves do not have any cementitious properties, but when used with portland cement, react to form cementitious compounds. For use in concrete, supplementary cementitious materials, sometimes referred to as mineral admixtures, need to meet requirements of established standards. They may be used individually or in combination in concrete.

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Hiren A. Rathod,Jayeshkumar Pitroda A Study of Future Trend for Sustainable Development by Incorporation of SCM’s International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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