Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Study of Correlation of Finger Print Patterns in Different ABO, Rh Blood Groups

Dr. Y. N. Umraniya, Dr. H. H. Modi, Dr. H. K. Prajapati

Abstract :

OBJECTIVE: To correlate between palmar dermatoglyphics patterns in ABO, Rh blood groups & evaluates their significance. METHODS: A total of 304 MBBS students of B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad were included in the study. Fingerprints were obtained by printing method. Parameters studied were arches, whorls, loops & quantitative indices. RESULTS: Majority of the students were of blood group O Followed by blood group B, A & AB. The distribution of pattern of finger print showed high frequency of loops whereas whorls were moderate & arches were least in frequency. Blood group A showed more loops while; blood group AB had more whorls. The study reveals an association between finger print pattern & blood group. The total finger ridge count was significantly greater in blood group B.

Keywords :

Finger Print   ABO   Rh   Arch   Loop   Whorl.  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DR. Y. N. UMRANIYA,DR. H. H. MODI, DR. H. K. PRAJAPATI Study of Correlation of Finger Print Patterns in Different ABO, Rh Blood Groups International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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