Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Achievement in Chemistry among Higher Secondary Students

P. Paramasivam, Dr. S. Mani

Abstract :

Education is a powerful medium of empowering an individual. Many factors influence the academic achievement of students at all levels. Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in one’s life and helps him / her to think more creatively and solve problems. This study is carried out to find out the influence of emotional intelligence on achievement in chemistry among higher secondary students. A stratified random sample of 500 first year higher secondary students has been involved in the study. Survey method was adopted by the investigators. Correlation and Multivariate Analysis was used to find out the significant influence of emotional intelligence on achievement in chemistry. The study indicates the existence of significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and achievement in chemistry of higher secondary students. Further it also highlights the effect of self–motivation, emotional stability and self–awareness factors of emotional intelligence on achievement in chemistry of higher secondary students.

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P. Paramasivam, Dr. S. Mani Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Achievement in Chemistry among Higher Secondary Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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