Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Repercussions of Custodial Violence: A Statical Overview.

Tanushri Anchan

Abstract :

Violation is the core of any criminal justice system and the initiation of its action. The instigation for this action and its nurturing are vested as a responsibility with the custodians of law. But when these men who are ushered with the prestigious power of regulating the civil life of the nation, themselves degrade the authority they hold the trust of a common man on the system of governance is crushed. Custodial violence has been the crunch to mistreated police control for decades now. The present work focuses on the issue of this heinous offence by the police and its repercussions on the victims, loss of faith in the institution as one of the major problems as the smooth working of the criminal justice depends on the crucial element of social co-operation.

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Tanushri Anchan Repercussions of Custodial Violence: A Statical Overview. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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