Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Biofertilizers

Srinivas. A, D. N. Bhalekar

Abstract :

The present study was carried out during 2011-2012 in Deoli Taluka of Wardha district of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state for ascertaining the constraints faced by farmers in adoption of biofertilizers. The study revealed that a great majority of respondents (85.00%) reported the lack of confidence towards various biofertilizers practices. More than half of the respondents of the respondents (58.00%) reported that lack of knowledge about biofertilizers, followed by inadequate water availability (45.00%) and lack of guidance from extension personnel (41.00%). It is therefore, advisable that the extension agency should increase confidence level of farmers on use of biofertilizers. Information regarding utilization of biofertilizers through organizing of training programmes, guest lectures, method and result demonstration and Krishi Mela.

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Srinivas. A,D. N. Bhalekar Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Biofertilizers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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