Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Comparative Study of Widal and Dot Elisa in the Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever

Cinthujah B, Amudha Vp, Sucilathangam G

Abstract :

Typhoid fever is a life threatening systemic illness affecting mainly the developing countries of the world. Correct diagnosis must be made at the crucial time for early treatment and control of transmission. Diagnosis of Typhoid fever by the following tests: Widal test, Dot ELISA and to compare the effectiveness of Widal test and Dot ELISA in the diagnosis of typhoid fever. Patients attending the Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital with acute feile illness and clinically suspecting Typhoid fever formed the subject of the study. From the blood samples collected both Widal and Dot ELISA tests were performed. A total of 86 Samples were collected and tested. Out of 86 cases, 9 were Widal Positive whereas 23 were Dot ELISA Positive. Dot ELISA is a practical alternative to Widal test in the diagnosis of Typhoid fever.

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Cinthujah B, Amudha VP, Sucilathangam G Comparative Study of Widal and Dot Elisa in the Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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