Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Clinical Profile of Atrial Fibrillation with Reference to 2–D ECHO Study

Dr Borse. R. T, Atul Bhasme, D B Kadam

Abstract :

AF is the common permanent arrhythmia and is characterized by rapid, irregular atrial impulses, ineffective atrial contractions and by irregular rapid ventricular beats. RVHD is the commonest responsible for AF. Study was aimed to correlate clinical & 2D–ECHO features in patients with Atrial Fiillation. Total 103 patients of ≥ 13 years of age with ECG s/o AF were selected for the study .It was observed that AF occurred more in 31–50 years of age(57.29%), more in females (56.31%) than males(43.69).The major symptoms of AF were eathlessness(85.44%) & palpitation(67.96%).64.08% patients had apex pulse deficit of 10–20 beats/minute . ECG wise coarse f waves were observed in 69.90% while fine f waves in 30.10% . Permanent AF was seen in 86.4% & was most common type in RVHD. RVHD(68.93%) was the commonest cause of AF . CCF was seen in 55.34% patients . Mitral valve affected in all cases of RVHD with AF. Isolated MS & MS+MR were common structural lesions (43.68%). Non–valvular AF was seen in 32.31% cases.2DEcho helped in detecting etiology, left atrial size, presence of thrombus .Age

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Dr Borse. R. T, Atul Bhasme, D B Kadam Clinical Profile of Atrial Fibrillation with Reference to 2-D ECHO Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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