Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

A Globe Scan Of Urban Infrastructure In Third World Countries

P. Senthil T. Prakash, S. Manavalan, Dr. M. Perumal

Abstract :

Urban living is the keystone of modern human ecology. Cities have multiplied and expanded rapidly worldwide over the past two centuries. Cities are sources of creativity and technology, and they are the engines for economic growth. However, they are also sources of poverty, inequality, and health hazards from the environment. Urban populations have long been incubators and gateways for infectious diseases. The early industrializing period of unplanned growth and laissezfaire economic activity in cities in industrialized countries has been superseded by the rise of collective management of the urban environment. This occurred in response to environmental blight, increasing literacy, the development of democratic government, and the collective accrual of wealth. In many low income countries, this process is being slowed by the pressures and priorities of economic globalization. Beyond the traditional risks of diarrhoea disease and respiratory infections in the urban poor and the adaptation of various vector–borne infections to urbanization, the urban environment poses various physicochemical hazards

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P.Senthil T.Prakash, S.Manavalan, Dr.M.Perumal A Globe Scan Of Urban Infrastructure In Third World Countries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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