Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015


Dr. Rakesh Ahir, Dr Kalpit Suthar

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia is a common complication of abdominal surgery and an important source of morbidity. It may be repaired using open or laparoscopic methods. This study analyses the etiopathogenesis, modes of presentation, modalities of treatment like open or laparoscopic repair and its outcome. AIM & OBJECTIVES: To Compare between Open and Laparoscopy Incisional Hernia METHODS: Between June 2010 and Sept 2012, patients with incisional hernia who got admitted at Smt.V.S.General Hospital & NHL.Medical College in the department of surgery were subjected to open v/s laparoscopic depending upon the surgeon’s choice and size of the hernial defect. Data was collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Incisional hernia was found to be the 2nd most common type of hernia. The incidence was more common in females, who underwent gynaecological procedures by lower midline incisions. It was found to be more common in the age group of 30-50 years. Predominant risk factors being wound infection and obesity. Majority of the patients presented with swelling and within 3 years of previous surgery. The complications following surgery was found to be less with laparoscopic repair than open repair.The post operative complications noted were mainly wound infections and seroma formation. INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: laparoscopic repair results in less post operative complications than open repair for incisional hernia

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Dr. Rakesh Ahir, Dr Kalpit Suthar COMPARISON BETWEEN OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPY INCISIONAL HERNIA REPAIR International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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