Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Effectiveness of Short Stories in Teaching Value Education at The B.Ed Level

Dr. A. Edward William Benjamin

Abstract :

The constant negligence of value education paved the way for social disorder and related problems of today’s world and as the society gives much importance to knowledge based competition and competitive based knowledge. It is widely believed that modernization is responsible for the crisis in values to a large extent. This process of disintegration of values would soon prove to be disastrous. Unless a conscious effort is made to reverse this trend and to inculcate in one and all, a spirit of discipline of the self, it is impossible to see man as human being. In order to realize the significance of value education for the would be generation the present piece of research work is attempted to see the effectiveness of short stories in teaching value education at the B.Ed level. Stories can serve multiple functions in the classroom and outside it also. By adopting pre–post test control group design the study was carried out with a sample of 100 with 150 each as control and experimental groups by using the Descriptive and Differential analysis the formed hypothesis were proved to be effective. Hence it is concluded that the short stories were proved to be effective in the experimental groups with a great significant level than the control groups. Hence it is recommended to adopt this type of technique to refrain the human beings as human with highly civilized one for the would be generation of India.

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Dr. A. Edward William Benjamin Effectiveness of Short Stories in Teaching Value Education at The B.Ed Level International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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