Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Duplication based simulated annealing algorithm for multiprocessor task scheduling: An Overview

Supriya Arya, Sunita Dhingra

Abstract :

Task scheduling and mapping to the processors is one of the critical problem in parallel computing. Due to NPhard nature of the problem, a large number of related work relies on heuristic approaches to find the best solution in reasonable amount of time. But due to its problem specific nature, this approach may not be proven good for other problems. So, the metaheuristic approach is chosen to find the optimal solution for general problems. Borrowing the respective advantages of these two approaches an effective hyid approach can be formed .In Hyid approach, the disadvantages of one approach can be overcome by the advantage of other approach. The review of the heuristic , metaheuristic approach and the possible combination of these approaches i.e. hyid approach is discussed in the paper

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Supriya Arya, Sunita Dhingra Duplication Based Simulated Annealing Algorithm For Multiprocessor Task Scheduling : An Overview International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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