Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Ionic composition of a freshwater lake and its implications on aquaculture

Dr. Shankar P. Hosmani

Abstract :

T Ionic composition of lake water helps in determining the suitability for aquaculture. Dissolved gases are often used for the same, but the concentration of cat ions and anions alone can discard the site for use unless it is properly reclaimed. Chemical factors determine the lethal and sub-lethal effects on organisms. An attempt to understand the relationship between the basic ions in Hadhinaru Lake of Mysore has been done. Sodium ions are dominant while calcium and magnesium fluctuate to a grater extent and potassium ions are least. Among the anions sulphates dominate and carbonates are least. The lake water does not follow the general rule suggested by Rhode (1949) for fresh waters and is tending to become saline. According to Hutchinson’s classification the lake is similar to soda lakes of Africa. Residual Sodium Carbonate and sodium content are high but the Sodium Absorption Ratio which is high can be used in the reclamation of the water. The lake water is not suitable for aquaculture

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Dr. Shankar P. Hosmani Ionic composition of a freshwater lake and its implications on aquaculture International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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