Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Docking Studies of Piperine with some Drug Transporters

Satyanarayana, S Aditya, N Kumar, Taraka, Aruna

Abstract :

Piperine is the standardized extract made from the fruit of Piper Nigrum (black pepper) or Piper longum L (long pepper) and is manufactured for use as a nutritional ingredient for both human and animal health. Studying the binding affinities of pieprine with drug transporter molecules will give us information about iron and other micro–nutrient transport into the cell. In this paper we docked piperine with CYP450 enzymes, p–glycoprotein and ferroportin.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Satyanarayana, S Aditya, N Kumar, Taraka, Aruna Docking Studies of Piperine with some Drug Transporters International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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