Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Contribution of Bee–Keeping Industry in the Development of Rural Entrepreneuship–A Case Study of M/S C.k Udyog

Miss Jutimala Bora, Ms. Toralima Bora

Abstract :

Defining entrepreneurship is not an easy task. To some, entrepreneurship means primarily innovation, to others it means risk-taking. To others a market stabilizing force and to others still it means starting, owning and managing a small business. An entrepreneur is a person who either creates new combinations of production factors such as new methods of production, new products, new markets, finds new sources of supply and new organizational forms or as a person who is willing to take risks or a person who by exploiting market opportunities, eliminates disequiliium between aggregate supply and aggregate demand or as one who owns and operates a business. The Bee-keeping is a village industry and listed in the Government artisan sector. This indigenous industry has been taken by Khadi and Village Industries Commission to develop in the rural areas to create employment and generate production to use as food and medicine This paper will highlight the usefulness of Bee-keeping industry in the process of development of rural entrepreneurship making a case study of M/s C.K Udyog located at Charigaon village of Jorhat District.

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Miss Jutimala Bora, Ms. Toralima Bora Contribution of Bee-Keeping Industry in the Development of Rural Entrepreneuship - A Case Study of M/S C.k Udyog International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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