Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

An Exploratory Study on Brand Preference and Factors Influencing the Purchase of Masala Products in Tirupur City

Dr. S. V. Ramesh, Ponmozhi R, Bharath J. K

Abstract :

It is obvious that India stands first in using Masala Products after China among the countries in the world. As Masala Product is a mixture of different spices that are used in cooking, now a days the preparation of various food items has become easier and fast too. The spices in the Masala products make the food more inviting and add flavour to the food items. These can be used together with herbs or without depending on what the recipe requires. The different age categories of people holding different occupations have got varied perceptions towards purchase of Masala Products. Hence, through this study, the researcher is attempted to analyze the opinions of selected people in Tirupur City regarding the Brand Preference of Masala Products and factors influencing the purchases of Masala Products.

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Dr. S. V. Ramesh, Ponmozhi R, Bharath J. K An Exploratory Study on Brand Preference and Factors Influencing the Purchase of Masala Products in Tirupur City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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