Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Erna Husukic, Emina Zejnilovic

Abstract :

In the era of communication and globalization it is hard to keep up with the constant progress of technology and innovation in architecture. Development of innovative materials and construction, has provided the possibilities of architectural expression, economic and ecological constraints which are clearly different from those of previous decades. In that context Aluminum, does not seem like the most progressive building material on the market today, but it must not be neglected architecturally. Appealing because of its abounded aesthetical qualities and great physical properties, it is its composites that triggered increased application in architecture. Composite materials based on aluminum are now widely used for a variety of applications on buildings such as external cladding, roofing and structural elements. This paper presents basic characteristic of aluminum aiming to promote and argue in favor of its application in architecture.

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Erna Husukic, Emina Zejnilovic Aluminium in Architecture – Design & Technology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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