Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Dr. N. Lokeshwari

Abstract :

XRD is an extremely valuable tool for chemists interested in studying the makeup or structure of the potentially new compounds they have created. Drug companies frequently use XRD to analyze their new products because, if they can find even a slightly unique variation present, they are eligible to apply for a patent. Quantitative analysis of diffraction data usually refers to the determination of amounts of different phases in multiphase samples. Quantitative analysis may also be thought of in terms of the determination of particular characteristics of single phases including precise determination of crystal structure or crystallite size and shape. The subject of the present work is the study on X–ray diffraction analysis of tannins from caesalpinia coriaria by pressure autoclaving method. The extractable material is derived from a blend of raw materials with different particle characteristics. Preliminary studies indicated the advantage of employing small particle size for achieving high extraction efficiency.

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Dr.N.Lokeshwari X–RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS OF TANNIN EXTRACTION FROM CAESALPINIA CORIARIA. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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