Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

WTO and Indian Agriculture

Mamta Ranga, Deepti Sharma

Abstract :

GATT (1947) is replaced by the World Trade Organization in 1995 to govern the new global trade rules for international trade. Agriculture Sector is one of the areas of international trade. The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) was not included in GATT rather it comes under WTO in 1986 (Uruguay). WTO gave hope to the developing nations like India, where agriculture will continue to remain at the center stage of socio–economic development that the opening up of the economy will help in removing inequity against tradable agriculture and would give vast benefits through increased exports, reduction in tariffs. Currently, India has improved its position in agricultural and food exports to 10th at global level (Economic Survey 2012–2013). The two rounds of GATT/WTO in which agriculture agreement included is discussed in the paper .The focus of the paper is on the impact of WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture on Indian agriculture sector.  

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Mamta Ranga, Deepti Sharma WTO and Indian Agriculture Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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