Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Worries and Anxieties among Residents of Pay & Stay Senior Care Homes

K. Suresh, Dr. A. Gayathri, Dr. V. Subramanyam, Prof. D. Jamuna

Abstract :

India is fast graying. A series of socio–technological advancements and migration resulted in disintegration of joint family system and alternative living arrangements for elderly. Living in senior care homes is becoming an option for many elderly. This study is an attempt to examine worries and anxieties in a sample of 120 residents of pay & stay senior care homes. Focused group discussions were held to identify sources of worry & anxiety in 60–65 and 66–70 year male and female older adult residents. Health and economic concerns were found to be very significant sources of worry and anxiety followed by diminishing social supports and inadequacies of personal / psychological concerns. Findings of the study suggest the importance of strategies to minimize pathological worry & anxiety in residents of senior care homes.

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K. Suresh, Dr. A. Gayathri, Dr. V. Subramanyam, Prof. D. Jamuna Worries and Anxieties Among Residents of Pay & Stay Senior Care Homes Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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