Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2013

“Work–Life Balance” – An Empirical Study of Managers of Select Pharmaceutical Companies

Dr. S. V. Ramana, K. Ramesh Babu

Abstract :

The Indian corporate world has undergone sudden changes because of the presence of various new competitors (both local & foreign) due to various factors like Liberalization, Globalization etc., on one hand and gradual changes of culture like changed outlook of the society towards women working before and after marriage, wife and husband working and staying in different towns as well on the other hand. Due to these developments, the following job related new parameters have been observed among various industries – • Extended work hours and peculiar work hours in some cases • Readiness of the employee to respond to the manager, customer any time of the day, any day of the week and from any location,(some times even on a holiday) • Provision of communication tools like Mobiles, Lap–tops with wire less internet connection by the management to the most of the employees and making them accessible wherever they are • Every day long travel to reach the work spot ( due to massive urbanization) • Career orientation among Men & Women alike. The above parameters have given an impact to both Public sector & Private sector employees & managers alike though the managers of the latter had more impact. Among the managers of the various Private sector dominant industries like Pharmaceuticals, Textiles etc., managers of the Pharmaceuticals industry have been touched and influenced by the process. In this transaction these managers are struggling to maintain an ideal “Work –Life” balance. In the light of the above an attempt has been made to examine and analyze the possible parameters of job functions and behavior of immediate mangers that are helping the respondents to maintain an ideal Work–Life balance and those that are hindering the Work–Life balance. This study has been carried out with the help of a structured questionnaire. Seventy five managers of select companies belonging to various managerial levels have been interviewed. The study has ought out that few managers are able to maintain an ideal WORK–Life balance and it is suggested that the decision makers of the different organizations should put extra efforts (some are being suggested as an out come of the study) in creating a suitable organizational environment wherein many managers will be able to maintain an ideal Work–Life balance.

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Dr. S. V. Ramana,K. Ramesh Babu “Work-Life Balance” – An Empirical Study of Managers of Select Pharmaceutical Companies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2013

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