Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Neha Aiman, Venkatesh Kumar G

Abstract :

 Work engagement has been threatening to cripple organizational growth and productivity; and it becomes crucial to understand whether personality acts as a predictor of employee engagement or not. The purpose of present research was to understand the relationship between Personality and Work Engagement. A survey Technique in the form of Questionnaires was used. The relevant data was collected from 100 employees working in different departments of Larsen and Touo Limited, Mysore. The Riso– Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator is a tool used to assess Personality and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale is a tool used to assess Work engagement. Calculations were done using Correlation and t–test. The results showed that the Personality of the employees is not significantly related to the Work Engagement. There is no significant relationship between Gender, Age, Socio– Economic Status and Marital Status with

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Neha Aiman, Venkatesh Kumar G / WORK ENGAGEMENT AND PERSONALITY / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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