Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Women Entrepreneurship : Problems and prospects

Dr. . Veena M. D Almeida

Abstract :

Women’s entrepreneurship is both about women’s position in society and about the role of entrepreneurship in the same society. Increased participation of women in the labour force is a prerequisite for improving the position of women in society and self–employed women. Particularly the entry of women in micro enterprises will be encouraged and aggravated. Women can do wonders by their effectual and competent involvement in entrepreneurial activities. The women are having basic indigenous knowledge, skill, potential and resources to establish and manage enterprise. Now, what is the need is knowledge regarding accessibility to loans, various funding agencies procedure regarding certification, awareness on government welfare programmes, motivation, technical skill and support from family, government and other organization. Formation and strengthening of Women Entrepreneurs network must be encouraged. Women entrepreneur networks are major sources of knowledge about women entrepreneurs which in turn strengthens their capacities besides adding to the family income and national productivity

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Dr.. Veena M. D' Almeida Women Entrepreneurship : Problems and prospects Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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