Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015


Miss. P. Revathi

Abstract :

he growing social awareness across the globe has ought a number of issues to the fore among which gender equality and empowerment of women are very significant. Discrimination against women in the form of male–female differentiation constitutes the core of the gender–based system. The education is the biggest liberating force and the rise in the levels of education which nourishes progressive outlook and the advent of industrialization and modernization have effected a sea change in the attitudes and thinking pattern of the people. The empowerment is not essentially political alone in fact; political empowerment will not succeed in the absence of economic empowerment. The scheme of micro financing through Self Help Groups (SHGs) has transferred the real economic power in the hands of women and has considerably reduced their dependence on men. This has helped in empowerment of women and building self–confidence.

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Miss. P. Revathi WOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SELF HELP GROUPS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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