Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Women Employment in Organized Sector of India: An Empirical Perspective

Navdeep Kaur, Sarbjit Kaur

Abstract :

 Employment is an important feature of development. Women hold a secondary place to men employment. The present paper examines the growth of gender wise employment in organized sector in India during the time period 1991 to 2012. To examine the data simple percentage, linear trend and t–test of difference of means has been used. It has been concluded from the study that number of women employed in organized sector has risen over the period of time but their share remained low as compared to their male counterparts. So, in order to increase women employment there is a need to provide quality education and skill to the women. There is also a need of providing transportation safety and other security measures to women

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Navdeep Kaur, Sarbjit Kaur Women Employment in Organized Sector of India: an Empirical Perspective Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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