Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Women as Peace Makers: An Historical Analysis

Gurpreet Singh

Abstract :

In modern times women are emerging as major peacemakers of the societies all around the world. The main idea is to study their influence which motivated others for spreading peace and harmony in the society considering all the facts in the light of historical events and modern scenarios. Further this study is to highlight the role model Women Peacemakers all around the world. I tried to discuss the some of the National and International women who proved themselves as a woman of substance and had set an example for others to build a harmonious state and a peaceful world. I discussed several women who had worked for maintaining peace and prosperity in the 20th century and emerged as major peacemakers who became an iconic role model for the generations to come.

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Gurpreet Singh Women as Peace Makers: An Historical Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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