Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

What happens to Platelet Indices in normal pregnancies and pregnancy induced hypertension?

Manjul Parkash

Abstract :

 Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is an obstetric disorder with high morbidity and mortality rates but without clear pathogeny. The dysfunction of the blood coagulation–fiinolysis system is a salient characteristic of PE that varies in severity, and necessitates different treatments. Therefore, it is necessary to find suitable predictors for the onset and severity of PE. Aim: To evaluate platelet Indices in normal pregnancies and pregnancy induced hypertension Method: The total of 100 pregnant patients with period of gestation 20 week to 40 week were studied. 50 patients with normotensive pregnancy, 50 patients with hypertension in pregnancy of different severity. Patients were followed at (20–24 week) visit 1, (24–28 week) visit 2, (28–32 week) visit 3, (32–36 week)visit 4, (36week– termination of pregnancy) visit 5. Results: In the control group there were no significant change in platelet indices whereas in test group patients, changes in platelet indices values were significant (<.05). Conclusion: platelet indices provide a simple, cheap and effective tool for the obstetrician to monitor pregnancy induced hypertension. Any significant deviation can forewarn impending maternal or fetal morbidity. Abeviations PIH: Pregnancy–induced Hypertension; PL: Platelets count; MPV: Mean Platelets Volume; PDW : Platelet Distribution Width.

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Manjul Parkash What happens to Platelet Indices in normal pregnancies and pregnancy induced hypertension? Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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