Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Website Link Analysis by Keyword

Kansagra Deep Mukeshbhai, Baldaniya Paresh Mavjibhai, Kamalakannan J.

Abstract :

In the world of the Internet Website to have a good rank when any of the query/keyword is been search in any search engines[17] but for having weak rank they should have a good analysis for different types of search queries. The Analysis on the particular search query(i.e search terms , people ,things etc.) this all are based on many applications , tools and different methods such as analysis of data(data mining), search engine optimization[17] and different tools available on the internet like analytic tool by Google . there is a high dependency on above products we need some extra research on that products for SEO(Search Engine optimization) field In this paper we are doing same things in different way which is above tools are doing. To improve the rank of website in this paper we have have applied reverse engineering approach i.e based on analysis trying to improve the rank of the your website in the search engine. In this paper we are focusing on crawling the search engine for particular input parameter(search query, search engine ,website etc.) and then applying some rules and doing analysis on that particular given input parameter.

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Kansagra Deep Mukeshbhai, Baldaniya Paresh Mavjibhai, Kamalakannan J. Website Link Analysis by Keyword Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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