Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Web Cleaning: Issues and Reviews of PHP Tidy

Pooja Mistry, Mr. Jitendra B Upadhyay

Abstract :

T In present years the enhance of the World Wide Web exceeded all opportunity. World Wide Web includes HTML, Web Browser, Web Server etc. Hypertext Mark–up Language (HTML) is the mark–up language for displaying web pages and to display other information in a web owser. When editing HTML page it may happen that an HTML tags are duplicated, unformatted, or empty. It would be good if there is a simple way to fix these mistakes automatiT In present years the enhance of the World Wide Web exceeded all opportunity. World Wide Web includes HTML, Web Browser, Web Server etc. Hypertext Mark–up Language (HTML) is the mark–up language for displaying web pages and to display other information in a web owser. When editing HTML page it may happen that an HTML tags are duplicated, unformatted, or empty. It would be good if there is a simple way to fix these mistakes automati

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Pooja Mistry, Mr. Jitendra B Upadhyay Web Cleaning: Issues and Reviews of PHP Tidy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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