Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Water–lily sign in Pediatric Chest Imaging

Dr Shashi Girish Gupta, Dr Girish Gupta, Dr Bindu Aggarwal

Abstract :

 Groundwater is the water located beneath earth’s surface in soil and rocks pore spaces and in the joints and fractures of rock formations. Groundwater is the primary source of potable water supply in rural India. Deforestation and the resulting soil erosion hamper the recharging of the groundwater therefore groundwater levels are decreasing country wise in almost entire India. There is severe groundwater depletion problem in Rajasthan state too. Hundreds of groundwater augmentation structures have been constructed in last 10–15 years in the Jalore district of Rajasthan by State Watershed Department and other agencies. We have studied only those structures which are in granitic terrain of Ramsin and Jaswantpura region of Jalore district. Our study aims to analyse the significance of water augumentation structures regarding changes in groundwater table of villages Baitarana, Bithan and Punak Khurd of Ramsin region and Rathpura of Jaswantpura region. It is revealed that these structures which were constructed in hard rock or granitic terrain are useful for local villages. They are providing water for their cattle and are also recharging their nearby wells. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the groundwater augmentation structures be preferred in rocky, fractured and jointed igneous terrain to recharge the aquifers.

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Dr Shashi Girish Gupta, Dr Girish Gupta, Dr Bindu Aggarwal Water–lily sign in Pediatric Chest Imaging Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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