Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Water Quality Analysis of Bhavanapadu (Mangrove) swamps Ecosystem, East coast of India

Dr. G. V. Krishna Mohan, Dr. D. Gopala Krishna

Abstract :

Chemical and Biological parameters were analyzed at 17 stations in the mangrove ecosystem of the neighbouring Bhavanapadu estuary and bay to understand the present status of water quality and the impact of external terrigenous inputs during southwest monsoon in the study areas. High concentrations of Nutrients in the mangrove ecosystem compared to the bay and estuarine ecosystems revealed the importance of this zone as a source of Nutrients to the adjacent coastal ecosystems. Low SiO4 (9.26 µM), NO3 (6.49 µM) and PO4 (0.92 µM) values in these ecosystems are due to the enrichment of these Nutrients through external anthropogenic inputs even after the utilization by phytoplankton in the biological cycle. The mean Chl b=Chl a and Chl c=Chl a ratios 0.30 and 0.45 and high phaeopigments concentrations compared to Chl b and high ratios of Chl a=Pp suggests the possibility of the potential growth of phytoplankton populations in lower light intensity and low turbulent areas of these mangrove ecosystems.

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Dr. G. V. Krishna Mohan, Dr. D. Gopala Krishna Water Quality Analysis of Bhavanapadu (Mangrove) swamps Ecosystem, East coast of India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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