Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Vivekananda's Thought On Method Of Teaching & Their Utility On Modern area

Palash Roy

Abstract :

 The method of instruction, proposed by Swami Vivekananda, is totally based on ancient Indian tradition, but still it has a great value. According to Vivekananda ‘The practice of meditation leads to mental concentration’. He emphasises concentration more than other method because it helps to attain knowledge lack of concentration leads to wastage of power. Yoga is the another powerful method of instruction, which helps the mind cool and prepare the pupil’s mind to acquire knowledge.Self education or Auto education is more emphasized by him that means pupils learn their lesson Maturely, nobody can force than to learn their lesson . Which very much same to the constructivist approach . Discussion method is one of the most effective method of instruction.The teacher should invite question and stimulate the sprit of enquire in the pupil.Swamiji emphasized travel method. because wished the teachers and pupils to go out and learn from out side not only within India but to other countries too. Not only that Guruji also emphasised on the psychological method of education.

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Palash Roy Vivekananda¥s Thought on Method of Teaching & Their Utility on Modern Area Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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