Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Vitamin E and oxidative stress in early diabetic retinopathy

Dr. Nimi Bharathan, Dr. Parvathy K, Dr. Padma B Prabhu

Abstract :

 Introduction: Diabetic Retinopathy is one of the major causes of blindness. It is a chronic micro vascular complication of long standing Diabetes Mellitus. Other  than duration of diabetes and glycemic status, oxidative stress is also being considered as a causative factor of diabetic retinopathy nowadays. This study aims to find out whether supplementation of vitamin E reduces the oxidative stress in paients having early diabetic etinoathy.

Methods: 49 patients having early diabetic retinopathy were selected for study. HbA1c and catalase activity were estimated in them using washed red blood cells and estimation of superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde and tocopherol levels were done in serum in all these patients. 27 of them were randomly selected and given vitamin E 200mg orally for 6 months in addition to their oral hypoglycemic agents. 22 patients were studied as controls. All the parameters were repeated after 6 months.

Results: HbA1c and MDA levels were found to decrease in cases which was statistically significant. SOD and catalase activities showed statistically insignificant decrease in cases than controls. Vitamin E level was done to ensure patient compliance.

Conclusion: Vitamin E supplementation to patients with early diabetic retinopathy ought about a reduction in HbA1c level. There was a reduction in MDA level also in those patients. There was no change in the activities of superoxide dismutase or catalase activities.

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Dr. Nimi Bharathan, Dr. Parvathy K, Dr. Padma B Prabhu, Vitamin E and oxidative stress in early diabetic retinopathy, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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