Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Vitamin D deficiency among patients with acute coronary syndrome and its relation to in–hospital complications.

Hyder O Mirghani, Osama S Mohammed, Abdullah A Alyoussuf

Abstract :

 d to assess vitamin D deficiency among patients with acute coronary syndrome and its association with in–hospital complications. The study included 99 patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted to the coronary care unit at King Khalid Hospital. Socio–demographic data and coronary risk factor were extracted from patients admission chart. Patients had vitamin D level measured, together with, HbA1c, liver and renal function tests, serum electrolytes including calcium and magnesium, high sensitive CRP, and Lipid profile. Out of 99 patients with acute coronary syndrome, mean age, was 51.8 years (SD±11.3), the majority were men (84.8%), vitamin–D deficiency, and insufficiency was present in 62%, and 24.5% respectively. No correlation was evident between vitamin– D deficiency and various vascular risk factors, as well as in–hospital coronary heart disease complications P>0.05.

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Hyder O Mirghani, Osama S Mohammed, Abdullah A ALYOUSSUF Vitamin D Deficiency Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and its Relation to In-Hospital Complications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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