Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Komornikova Andrea, Balaz David, Sabaka Peter, Caprnda Martin, Leichenbergova Elena, Dukat Andrej, Gaspar Ludovit

Abstract :

Backround: Aim of this study was to assess changes in vasomotion during post–occlusive reactive hyperaemia in patients after hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Methods: 38 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus underwent 15 sessions of HBOT consisting of 90 minutes of eathing 100 % oxygen at 2.5 atm. We used laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) to assess vasomotion during post–occlusive reactive hyperaemia. Results: We observed significant increase in endothelial (3.22 [2.07 – 5.31] vs. 4.91 [2.9 – 6.57], p < 0.05), neurogenic (0.64 [0.44 – 1.01] vs. 0.85 [0.53 – 1.63], p < 0.05), cardiac (9.22 [7.21 – 13.79] vs. 12.74 [8.66 – 16.83], p < 0.05) and total spectral activity (20.93 [15.97 – 27.88] vs. 27.96 [17.45 – 37.99], p < 0.05) after HBOT. No significant changes were observed in myogenic and respiratory spectral activity Conclusion: Our study demonstrated vasomotion changes measured by LDF after HBOT.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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VASOMOTION CHANGES AFTER HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY IN DIABETIC PATIENTS, Komornikova Andrea, Balaz David, Sabaka Peter, Caprnda Martin, Leichenbergova Elena, Dukat Andrej, Gaspar Ludovit INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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