Volume : IX, Issue : XII, December - 2019

Varnya Lepa: An ambrosia for complexion care

Mriganka Mishra, Sarita Kapgate, Ruta Kadam

Abstract :

Complexion is a great cause of concern to majority of people irrespective of age and sex. Over exposure to external temperatures, chemical or hormonal factors are the main reported causes for skin discolouration. Skin is considered as one of the route of drug administration as Bahyaparimarjan Chikitsa and may be effective to deal the complexion issue. Many formulations for local application in paste form (lepa) have been described in classical texts of Ayurved. The lepa application is said to be effective in preventive and curative aspect. For enhancement of skin complexion Varnyakara Lepas are mentioned in classics. One such Varnya Lepa quoted by Sarangadhara has been modified with addition of four herbal medicinal drugs based on their complexion enhancing properties (Varnya Karma). This paper reports a randomised clinical study evaluating effects of this modified Varnya Lepa. Effect of Varnya lepa was tasted on hyper pigmentation, tanning and dullness. Pre and post assessment were done based on the photographs. The collected data demonstrated promising results establishing the complexion enhancing properties of Varnya Lepa.

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VARNYA LEPA: AN AMBROSIA FOR COMPLEXION CARE, Mriganka Mishra, Sarita Kapgate, Ruta Kadam INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-12 | December-2019

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