Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Variance of Time to Recruitment for a Single Grade Manpower System with Two Thresholds having Different epochs for Decisions and Exits

G. Ravichandran, A. Srinivasan

Abstract :

In this paper, the problem of time to recruitment is studied for a single grade marketing organization with attrition generated by its policy decisions using a univariate policy of recruitment involving two thresholds. Assuming that the policy decisions and exits occur at different epochs, a stochastic model is constructed and the variance of the time to recruitment is obtained when the inter–policy decision times and inter– exit times form two different renewal processes. The analytical results are numerically illustrated with relevant findings by assuming specific distributions.

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G. RAVICHANDRAN,A. SRINIVASAN Variance of Time to Recruitment for a Single Grade Manpower System with Two Thresholds having Different epochs for Decisions and Exits Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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