Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Validating International Service Quality Scale: A study of Private Sector Banks in Ahmedabad

Vineeta Gangal, Ankur Gangal

Abstract :

 It has been witnessed, that post–liberalization (1991), various sectors in India, have opened up to new formats of business, pronounced entry of private and foreign players, and intensified competition. The banking sector has been at the forefront of this development and with the advent of private retail banking, competition has prompted banks to implement measures to differentiate themselves and satisfy customers through their service quality.  As proposed by Sasser et. al. (1978) service quality is a construct of the consumer’s expectations and perceptions. The present study is focused on assessing this construct of service quality in private sector retail banks in the city of Ahmedabad. Service quality assessment calls for a validated and reliable instrument. For this study we have used the SERVQUAL model of service quality measurement (Parsuramanet al., 1988). The celeated tool for service quality assessment has received mixed reviews from researches conducted on various sectors of the service industry. In certain sectors like retailing researchers have questioned its validity in India and have suggested modifications in its construct to suit the Indian context. Thus, the paper also attempts to validate the model in the banking sector and further analyzes the outcomes of the collected responses. Inferences ofstatistical outcomes suggest that the instrument, though reliable (Cronbach’s Alpha of reliability), has not been validated bythe CorrelationAnalysis. Therefore, the research was not able to make suggestions to retail banks on the measurement and implementation of service quality strategies as described through the dimensions of the SERVQUAL instrument.

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Vineeta Gangal, Ankur Gangal, Validating International Service Quality Scale: A study of Private Sector Banks in Ahmedabad, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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