Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Utility of Endometrial Aspiration cytology for assessing endometrial status of Postmenopausal women

Dr. Sundaravani C, Dr. Nancey J

Abstract :

Objective: Endometrial aspiration cytology (EAC) is an acceptable and valuable diagnostic procedure for screening the endometrial status. Objective of this study is to know the utility of this procedure as a screening procedure for detection of Endometrial malignancies in Postmenopausal women with Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.(DUB)Methods: Endometrial aspiration obtained using 5F infant feeding tube attached to 20cc disposable syringe. Endometrial aspiration material was smeared directly on to three clean glass slides. One smear was wet fixed for papanicolau staining and the remaining slides were air dried for Giemsa stain. Smears were reviewed for cytomorphological findings and were correlated with the histopathological findings. Results: 50 postmenopausal women presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding were studied. Age of the patients ranged from 45 to 75 years. Various diagnostic categories diagnosed on HPE of these specimens were endometrial atrophy (23 cases), proliferative endometrium (5 cases), Secretory endometrium (2 cases),  endometrial hyperplasia (15cases), endometrial carcinoma (3 cases), and polyps  (2 cases). Conclusions: Endometrial aspiration is an effective, useful and a minimally invasive procedure. With an experienced cytologist, it can be used routinely for the screening of Postmenopausal women with DUB for Endometrial malignancies, provided all the points of discrepancies are taken care of.

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Dr.Sundaravani C, Dr. Nancey J, Utility of Endometrial Aspiration cytology for assessing endometrial status of Postmenopausal women, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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