Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019

Utility of COPD assessment test in the evaluation of COPD

Dr. Pankaj K. Magar, Dr. Gauri P. Godbole, Dr. Suhas Kulkarni

Abstract :

Aim: To study the utility of the COPD assessment test in the evaluation of COPD. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study, including a sample size of 330 patients of COPD satisfying the inclusion criteria. The CAT score of the patients was calculated based on the CAT questionnaire filled up by the patients. History of exacerbations, respiratory symptoms and FEV1 were correlated with the CAT score of the patient and statistical tests of significance were applied. Results: The CAT score demonstrated a positive correlation with the severity of the disease, exacerbations and episodes of hospitalisations. The CAT score showed a negative correlation with the FEV1 of the patients and prognosis. Conclusion: CAT score is an easy accessible point of care and comprehensive method to assess impact of disease in COPD. The utility of the CAT score can be oadened to judging the prognosis of the patients and to take measures to improve the same wherever possible. The CAT score not only demonstrates the quality of life of the patient but also the prospective trajectory of his symptoms and overall health.

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UTILITY OF COPD ASSESSMENT TEST IN THE EVALUATION OF COPD, Dr. Pankaj K. Magar, Dr. Gauri P. Godbole, Dr. Suhas Kulkarni INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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