Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Using of Multidimensional Massifs for the Determination of Noise Characteristics

Zdravko Dinchev Ivanov

Abstract :

 Using of multidimensional massifs for the determination of noise characteristics. The determination of 

noise characteristics is characterized by the recording of a significant volume of experimental data. For 
the calculation of sound power level are registered sound levels on an emaced surface, where the number of the 
measurement points can reach up to 20 at precise methods. The registering devices record the data with high frequency of scanning, and thus vectors with significant length are obtained. The using of multidimensional massifs shortens 
significantly the time necessary for the preliminary and subsequent processing of the experimental data. 

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Zdravko Dinchev Ivanov Using of Multidimensional Massifs for the Determination of Noise Characteristics Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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